Wifey Wednesday

Hello all!

I’m here to kick off my weekly Wednesday post. I’ll do my best to hold my own, although Max is really the ‘man with the plan.’ In my real life, I teach fourth grade- and absolutely adore it. It doesn’t hurt that my commute comes with views like this:

si sunrise
Teaching on the island has its perks!

I’m going to write up the first installment about our one-room renovation of the room above our garage, or ‘FROG.’ While it was quite an adventure- including flooring, yards of shelving, and possibly the largest craft table known to mankind- I would like to talk to you about my happy spot, my sewing station.

sewing station.jpeg

There are several things that I love about this spot. It is large enough to really spread out. Also, it has some personality. I’d love to be someone who could sit down and focus no matter where I was, but that just isn’t the case. Even with larger sewing projects, I have more than enough space. Finally, I have storage coming out of my ears!


We were really able to take advantage of the space by opting to create a desk rather than buying one. The base of my workstation is two IKEA Kallax shelving units on their sides- one a 2×2, the other 4×2. Laying across them is an IKEA tabletop- so not only is there a lot of workspace, but it’s even on top of shelving.

The pegboard is an essential piece, and made more of a difference than I thought it would. It has a dual purpose- storage and aesthetic. Now this may seem obvious to other people (I wouldn’t have gotten there by myself, I’m not going to lie), but… the boards are attached to the studs on the wall, and the pegboard is attached to them. This lets them actually be functional! sewing station

For the chevron pattern, Handmade Utah (@2crafty4myskirt) has the best tutorial. Really, it’s easiest to tape out overlapping diagonals, and then use a razor to cut out the chevron pattern. I used a roller, and the extra paint from our front door.

I am so thankful storage is ‘in’ these days- it made the finishing touches so much more fun!

Did y’all see these at Michaels? They had some in their little ‘bargain’ section.

Spice tins

They’re magnetic storage bins- so I have them on the same strip as my good scissors. Pins of various sorts, price tags, paper clips, and bindtilt out binser clips all have their place. I LOVE them! Just as exciting was their tilt out bins, which I have mounted on the side of the table. 

Target also had some great bins in their bargain section— Do you see a theme here?

I have one for stamps and sparkly things, one has my punches, and then the other has ribbon.Baskets

I could seriously go on about all that I have here for days… and probably will 🙂 I’ll be putting more of a focus on the actual sewing side next time! Thanks for reading 🙂